Collected Resources

Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.

Brandeis Opioid Resource Connector

The Opioid Resource Connector assists communities in mounting a comprehensive response to the opioid crisis. The Connector provides a curated collection of community-focused programs, tools, and resources to help stakeholders choose, design, and implement essential interventions.

Prevention Treatment Recovery Opioids
News Feed

Brief Addiction Science Information Source (BASIS)

Weekly, the Cambridge Health Alliance offers the BASIS which summarizes a current addiction science article in plain language, with commentary written by recovering people, clinicians, researchers, policy makers, and others.

Prevention Treatment Recovery
Archived Event

Bringing Facilitative Leadership for Social Change to Virtual Work Webinar Recordings

Have COVID-19 and social distancing thrown you into the unfamiliar world of virtual meetings as the only way to connect? While there are plenty of tips and tricks circulating about how to make your virtual meetings more effective, this webinar will teach you how to make them more equitable by leading with love, nurturing networks and relationships, and managing power dynamics.


Publisher: Interaction Institute for Social Change


BRSS-TACS general TA page

Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TACS) advances effective recovery supports and services for people with mental or substance use disorders and their families.


BSAS Careers of Substance Website

Aimed at supporting everyone who addresses substance use and addiction as part of their work, Careers of Substance provides information and resources designed to support a competent, dedicated and enthusiastic workforce:

  • Individuals – advance or get started in the field, earn appropriate education, licensure and certification, stay current on recent research, and search for jobs
  • Organizations – recruit, retain and support highly skilled staff, engage in results-oriented quality improvement, and respond to external changes
  • Networking – check out a calendar of events specifically for the field, and find out about cross-system initiatives and advocacy efforts.

Author: Careers of Substance

Publisher: Bureau of Substance Addiction Services

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

BSAS Guidance for Substance Addiction Service Providers

Guidance related to COVID-19 from the Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services.

Fact sheet/Issue brief

BSAS Guiding Principles for Prevention Programming

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health's Bureau of Substance Addiction Services developed these guiding principles that the Massachusetts Collaborative for Action, Leadership, and Learning 3 (MassCALL3) Substance Misuse Prevention grantees are expected to incorporate into their operations and programming. A brief definition and examples of what successful implementation of each principle is provided.

Author: Massachusetts Bureau of Addiction Services Publisher: Massachusetts Bureau of Addiction Services


Building Bridges: The Strategic Imperative for Advancing Health Equity and Racial Justice

In efforts to advance health equity, aligning with groups working toward racial justice can yield power and improve effectiveness; however, alignment is no simple task. It takes effort and intentionality. This brief concept paper outlines a rationale and five strategic opportunities for building bridges between the fields.

Author: Manal J. Aboelata, Roxan Rivas, La’Quana Williams, & Elva Yañez

Publisher: Prevention Institute

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Building Health Equity and Inclusion

This resource list was developed by the PTTC Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practices Work Group, and represents a compilation of resources produced by the PTTC Network to help individuals understand the impact of culture and identity in prevention efforts. All resources are free to access. This list is by no means exhaustive, and will be updated periodically to ensure it has the most relevant resources.

Author: PTTC Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practices Work Group

Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC)


Building Leadership

This toolkit helps in developing a plan for enhancing leadership and its core tasks.


Publisher: Community Toolbox

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)