An academic degree is usually needed to advance as a counselor
Academic coursework and other training can satisfy licensing or certification requirements.
- See this Comparison of Licensure and Certification requirements and features.
- See the Alcohol and Drug Counselor Licensure Requirements, for areas your education should cover in order to count toward specific initial licensure requirements.
- Continuing Education is required for licensure renewal, and may count toward initial licensure as well.
You may be able to have coursework for an academic degree also satisfy other requirements. When choosing a course or program make sure that it is “recognized” or "approved" by the state for the purpose of licensure. If a course is an AAEP (Approved Addiction Education Provider) through the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, or if it is NAADAC-approved, it will count toward Massachusetts licensure. To check, contact the MA DPH Bureau of Substance Addiction Services' Licensing Unit using this contact form for Ian Bain (preferred), or by phone 617-624-5165.
"Recognized Entities” for licensure are usually:
- An accredited educational institution
- A professional organization
- A training institute
- A governmental body
- A recognized certifying body or other entity which has been recognized or authorized by the Department to sponsor, conduct or approve continuing education programs for alcohol and drug counselors/assistants
Certificate Programs can satisfy some of the educational requirements for licensure, and some programs specifically prepare students for either a Certification exam or the state Licensure Exam (the state accepts some Certifications in lieu of the licensure exam). Continuing Education and Training courses can also be used to satisfy some licensure requirements. Ask whether the program will prepare you for specific certification or licensure exams; and if credits can be transferred to degree-granting programs. APPROVED ADDICTION EDUCATION PROVIDERS (PDF) for individual licensure (LADC) are marked with an asterisk (*).
- * AdCare Educational Institute - Addiction Counselor Education Certificate Program (Central MA) (prepares for CADC exam; additional work experience will be required to be certified)
- * AdCare Educational Institute - Black Addiction Counselor Education (BACE) Program (Springfield)
- * AdCare Educational Institute -Latino(a) Addiction Counselor Education (LACE) Program (Springfield and Boston)
- * American International College - Addiction Counseling Program
- * Anna Maria College - Addiction Counseling Certificate Program
- Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis- Certificate in Addictions Counseling
- * Bridgewater State University – Post-MSW Addictions Certificate (offered Spring 2022; contact for future offerings)
- * Bristol Community College – Substance Abuse Counseling Certificate
- Cambridge College – Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study – Mental Health Counseling prepares for LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Clinician), CADC and LADC
- Cambridge College - Addiction Rehabilitation Studies Certificate
- Cambridge College - Certificate in Alcohol & Drug Counseling (prepares for certification -CADC and licensure -LADC)
- * Cape Cod Community College- Addictions Counselor Certificate
- * Center for Addiction Studies and Research- Addiction Treatment Certification
- * Greenfield Community College - Addiction Studies Certificate
- * High Point Treatment Center - Addiction Certification Training Program (ACT)
- * Holyoke Community College - Addictions Studies Certificate
- * Middlesex Community College - Addictions Counselor Certificate
- * Mount Wachusett Community College - Substance Addiction Counseling Certificate
- * North Shore Community College - Substance Addiction Counseling Certificate
- * Northern Essex Community College - Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate
- * Quincy College - Substance Addiction Program
- * Trundy Institute of Addiction Counseling - CADC/CAC/LADC Preparation Program
- * UMASS Boston – ACEP: Addiction Counselor Education Program (and Certificate) (get certificate or just prepare for CADC/LADC)
- * Westfield State - Addiction Counselor Education Certificate Program (prepares for CADC exam; additional work experience will be required to be certified)
- * Worcester State University - Certificate in Addiction Counseling
- Massasoit Community College - AS Human Services
- North Shore Community College - Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
- Northern Essex Community College - AS Human Services
- Springfield College - Minor in Addiction Studies
- Cambridge College – BA in Human Services with concentration in Addiction Studies (prepares for CADC)
- Cambridge College –M. Ed. program in Counseling Psychology (prepares for CADC and LADC)
- Cambridge College – M. Ed. in Mental Health Counseling (prepares for LMHC, option to prepare for CADC and LADC)
- Cambridge College – M. Ed. School Adjustment and Mental Health Counseling (prepares for DESE, LMHC, option to prepare for CADC, LADAC)
- Brandeis NIAAA Fellowship. This is a federally-sponsored doctoral training program housed within the Institute for Behavioral Health, to support and educate qualified doctoral students interested in research careers. The focus of the program is the study of the impact of the organization, financing, and management of alcohol prevention and treatment services on quality, cost, access to, and outcomes of care. The NIAAA Training Program is a full-time three-year PhD program.
One is the Train Vets to Treat Vets special program for former service personnel and reservists who are interested in careers in mental health care.
The Military & Veterans Psychology (MVP®) Concentration trains people who have not served in the US Military to provide culturally competent services to those who have.
The College participates in the Yellow Ribbon scholarship program to support veterans in obtaining education (see Education Funding)
Specialty Certifications include:
- Becker College has a special grant for 2015-2018 to offer two FREE Community Health Worker Certificates on Adolescents and one on Families. Each is comprised of three, one-credit course. See General Information and a Description of the Courses.
- UMass Medical School Certificate in Primary Care Behavioral Health provides training for behavioral health professionals to work with primary care offices.
- University of Massachusetts Addictions Counselor Education Program Certificate - A two-semester Addiction Counselor Education Program Certificate (ACEP) provides treatment professionals, from direct care counselors to program directors, with a focused, skill-builing curriculum to promote successful delivery of substance abuse and chemical dependency treatment. ACEP is comprehensive, structured to serve the widest possible audience, and strengthened by the academic community of UMass Boston. This program is offered on three separate campus locations as well as a distance learning option providing a fully online program.
This two-semester Addictions Counselor Education Program Certificate (ACEP) provides treatment professionals — from direct care counselors to program directors — with a focused, skill-building curriculum to promote successful delivery of substance abuse and chemical dependency treatment. ACEP is comprehensive, structured to serve the widest possible audience, and strengthened by the academic community of UMass Boston.
The College of Advancing and Professional Studies of University of Massachusetts Boston offers this program on three separate campus locations as well as a distance learning option providing a fully online program.
- University of Massachusetts "Digital Chalk" Prevention Specialist course - 40 hour student-directed distance learning course leads to the Prevention Specialist (PS) credential offered by various credentialing boards across the US. Covers the five competencies that comprise the Prevention Specialist credential: planning & evaluation, education & skill development, community organization, public policy, and professional growth & responsibility.
- University of Massachusetts "Digital Chalk" also has other 40-hour, student-directed courses:
- Clinical Supervision Specialist (CSS)Training Series (advanced course, after obtaining licensure)
- Co-occurring Disorders Specialist (CDS) Training Series
- Criminal Justice Substance Abuse Specialist (CJSAS) Training Series
- NIDA Research Report: Heroin, MDMA, & Marijuana
- University of Massachusetts Tobacco certification accredited by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence’s Council for Tobacco Treatment Training Programs. Tobacco cessation work done by people with this certification is reimbursable through MassHealth. The following questions and answers are from the website; check for updates.
Who can bill MassHealth for providing tobacco cessation counseling?
Community health centers, physicians and acute outpatient hospital departments can bill MassHealth for providing tobacco cessation counseling services to covered members.
“Physicians” are any MassHealth-enrolled MDs, such as primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and specialty physicians.
Clinical providers eligible to provide the counseling service are physicians, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, registered nurses, physicians’ assistants, and qualified tobacco cessation counselors. All non-physician providers must be under the supervision of a physician, except independent nurse practitioners and independent nurse midwives providing the tobacco cessation counseling services directly.
Can substance abuse and mental health facilities participate in this new benefit?
Eligible MassHealth members may access tobacco cessation medications by having their primary care provider or other qualified MassHealth physician write a prescription.
Substance abuse facilities and mental health clinics may not obtain payment from MassHealth for tobacco cessation counseling services at this time. Members may receive counseling from their primary care clinician or a qualified member of the clinical team in their community health center, physician’s office, or outpatient hospital department.
For more information from MassHealth about the overall tobacco cessation benefit, call MassHealth Customer Service at 1-800-841-2900 or e-mail
Addiction Counselor licensure and certification require an internship, as do many degree and certificate programs. The About Addiction Counselor Internships page provides information from treatment programs and education programs about how to find internships.
NOTE: The State will accept online college coursework for licensure requirements; the Massachusetts Board of Substance Abuse Counselor Certification does not accept online coursework for initial certification, although it is accepted for certification renewal.
- Online Courses Available through Massachusetts Community Colleges:
Trainings can count toward licensure. See Training Resources and Training Suggestions.
If you are a representative of a Certificate Program that provides all or most of the required 270 hours of coursework for initial LADC eligibility, you may apply to become an AAEP in the "For Educators" section on the BSAS website's Training and Workforce Development page.