The following descriptions of Health and Wellness Dimensions were offered by the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center in their publication Work and Well-Being: A Guide for Addiction Professionals.
The following descriptions of Health and Wellness Dimensions were offered by the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center in their publication Work and Well-Being: A Guide for Addiction Professionals.
Emotional Wellness involves awareness of your emotions as they occur, expressing and processing your emotions in a productive and positive way, using the insight provided by your emotions to guide your actions, approaching life with optimism, creating interdependent relationships that involve trust and respect, and utilizing healthy coping mechanisms.
Environmental Wellness involves living and working in environments that are clean, safe, healthy, and facilitate a positive sense of well-being. Since our environments have a big impact on how we feel, it is important for your environment to be pleasing to you, free from clutter and exposure to toxins, and in balance with the broader natural environment.
Financial Wellness involves accessing your financial resources and knowledge to direct financial decisions and planning. Depending on your financial state it may mean living within your means, paying your bills on time, or knowing how your investments are distributed and whether this is in alignment with your personal values and desires.
Intellectual Wellness involves engaging in mentally stimulating activities, creativity, and expanding your personal and professional knowledge and skills. Intellectual wellness also encompasses the exploration of new ideas and information.
Occupational Wellness involves finding personal satisfaction and fulfillment through work. It includes using your talents and skills to their fullest extent throughout your career as well as understanding the need for and creating a balance between work and personal time.
Physical Wellness involves being aware of and taking care of your body, including engaging in pleasurable physical activity and eating food that is healthy and nutritious. Physical wellness also involves obtaining regular medical check-ups, sleeping well, and living tobacco-free.
Social Wellness involves creating meaningful interpersonal relationships that feel supportive and satisfying. Social wellness also involves contributing positively to one’s family and/or community.
Spiritual Wellness involves having a belief system that is meaningful and matches your values, and that establishes a life purpose and compassion towards others. Spiritual wellness does not necessarily mean having a religion; rather, it can focus on your ability to attribute meaning to life and the day-today interactions you experience.