Go straight to Job Postings, or start by reviewing the tips below on evaluating jobs and getting the most out of online searches.
Evaluating Jobs
When you are looking for a job, interviewing for a job, or comparing possibilities, consider:
- What is the organizational culture like?
- Does the program offer training at work?
- Are there tangible benefits (wellness program, flu shots, etc)?
- What will your schedule be like?
- Will you have a mentor?
- Does the program seem financially solid? Are they integrated with other healthcare providers?
- How does the pay compare to your current pay, your expenses, other jobs?
- Will any of your costs (in money or time) be affected by changes in your commute or mode of transportation to work?
- What are the opportunities for pay increases (will you be at the top of the range for your position or is there room to grow)?
- What are the opportunities for advancement?
Getting the most out of online searches
Words to search under
- Substance use
- Substance Abuse
- Gambling
- Substance Use Disorder
- Alcohol
- Alcohol and Other Drug
- Rehabilitation
- Drug
- Detox
- Recovery
- Prevention
- Behavioral Health
Combine those words with positions in your discipline such as
- Counselor
- Social Worker
- Rehabilitation Counselor
- Therapist
- Nurse Practitioner
- Nurse
- Physician
- Physician’s assistant
- Researcher
- Community Health Worker
Also check out the MA Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development for more tips and suggestions.