Collected Resources
Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.
Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) - “Getting Started with Tobacco Awareness Groups” Booklet
This booklet includes handouts and worksheets designed for clinical staff and participants in substance use treatment settings to increase participants’ engagement and self-reflection by helping them discover new awareness and understanding about their relationship to nicotine and tobacco use.
Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) AdCare Training Calendar
This calendar shows all BSAS-funded trainings run by AdCare Educational Institute. Other BSAS-funded/supported trainings are available through a number of other vendors.
Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Opioid Overdose Practice Guidance
This Practice Guidance focuses on ways to integrate opioid overdose prevention strategies into safe, effective and transparent substance use treatment.
Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Access
Access to Naloxone for opioid overdose death prevention is becoming more widely available. Go to Stop an Overdose with Narcan® to see information and links to naloxone resources and other forms of overdose prevention.
Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Principles of Care & Practice Guidance
The Bureau of Substance Addiction Services has articulated a set of principles of care to inform treatment practices. Practice Guidance papers build upon these principles, describing best practices and suggested improvement strategies. Each Guidance contains embedded links to related resources.
C4 Innovations calendar of live and self-paced online courses
C4 Innovations offers live and self-paced online courses through cutting-edge, easy-to-use technology that engages learners. Live courses delve deeply into specific evidence-based and promising practices. Self-paced online units and short video tutorials support learning on your own schedule.
C4 Innovations Praxis - BSAS Funded Training & Technical Assistance
Praxis provides free training and technical assistance to all BSAS-funded addiction treatment programs, supporting delivery of recovery-oriented, trauma-informed services. Topics include Harm Reduction, HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Opioid Overdose Prevention and more.
C4 Innovations training and technical assistance
C4 Innovations partners with organizations to develop customized, strategic learning plans and solutions that deepen knowledge and build skills and ultimately advance whole-person care, support recovery, achieve health and wellness, and improve outcomes for hard-to-reach populations.
Cannabis Conversations: a toolkit for communities with a harm reduction lens
A communication frame that will compassionately educate prevention professionals and community members on the impacts of cannabis use on young brains while not stigmatizing cannabis use for therapeutic or medical reasons.
Author: Annika Stanley-Smith, CPS
Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC)
Cannabis Prevention and Education Toolkit
The PTTC Network has identified seven areas to focus the development of new resources and training for the prevention workforce across the country. One of those areas of focus is cannabis prevention. A network-wide work group has been convened to develop and produce resources for the prevention field to use to support their efforts in implementing cannabis prevention and education. The mission of the PTTC Network Cannabis Prevention Work Group is to develop training and technical assistance tools, products, and service, related specifically to cannabis risk education and prevention, that can be deployed across the nation. New England PTTC's Director, Scott Gagnon serves as the chair of this workgroup.
Author: The Cannabis Prevention Work Group
Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTCC)