Collected Resources
Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.
Beyond the Numbers: Incorporating Community Voice Through Qualitative Data
This publication provides an overview of qualitative data – how it can be used as a valid and reliable data collection process, how a coalition can engage in several qualitative data collection methodologies, and how to utilize qualitative data in all phases of the coalition problem-solving process as informed by the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) process. Additionally, this publication discusses how coalitions should update their qualitative data to continually inform problem analysis, strategy selection and implementation as well as replicate qualitative data collection to measure success.
Publisher: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
Black Addiction Counselor Education (BACE) Program
The BACE Program trains Black adult learners in addiction/mental health, and supports those interested in attaining Licensure and Certification. The overall goal is to increase the publicly funded treatment system’s capacity to provide culturally relevant services to Black residents of MA.
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is a project within the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. We identify, recommend, and disseminate programs for youth, families and communities that, based on scientific evaluations, have strong evidence of effectiveness. The Blueprints mission is to provide a registry of evidence-based interventions that are effective in reducing antisocial behavior and promoting a healthy course of youth development and adult maturity.
Publisher: Blueprints
BNI ART Institute - SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment), BU School of Public Health
The BNI ART Institute at Boston University's School of Public Health provides SBIRT skills training to multidisciplinary audiences using interactive learning materials and techniques, as well as guidance for program implementation, evaluation, and more.
Boston Consortium Model Trainings
The Boston Consortium Model is a nationally recognized evidence-based model of trauma-informed care designed to meet the needs of women in treatment for substance use disorders with co-occurring mental health disorders and histories of trauma.
Boston Medical Center (BMC) Grayken Center for Addiction Training and Technical Assistance (TTA)
BMC's Grayken Center for Addiction Training and Technical Assistance provides education, support and capacity building to community health centers and other health care and social service providers on best practices caring for patients with substance use disorders.
Boston Public Health Commission Health Education & Training
The Commission provides a variety of educational opportunities to the general public and specialized training for healthcare employees and first responders. Offerings include professional development, emergency preparedness, internships for youth interested in health careers, and more.
Boston University Center for Aging & Disability Education & Research (CADER)
The Center for Aging & Disability Education & Research (CADER) is dedicated to strengthening the workforce that provides health and long-term supports and services to older adults and people with disabilities.
Boston University School of Social Work Network for Professional Education
Workshops and Seminars that offer CEUs for a range of human service and social justice related topics.