Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.
Addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England (ATTC-NE) Training Calendar
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England provides its own menu of online and in-person training events.
Addiction Technology Transfer Centers' Pandemic Response Resources
COVID-19 response resources from the Addiction Technology Transfer Center Nework.
AddictionCounselorCE offers 462 Continuing Education (CE) courses for Addiction/Substance Abuse Counselors and other professionals working in addiction counseling.
Addressing Opioid Overdose: Understanding Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies
This tool is designed to help prevention practitioners better understand where and how to focus efforts to prevent overdose deaths. Specifically, it provides an overview of:
- Risk factors associated with opioid overdose;
- Evidence-based strategies for overdose prevention; and
- Challenges specific to implementing harm reduction strategies.
Publisher: Prevention Solutions
Addressing Pushback on Health Equity
For a change as crucially important as closing health equity gaps, health care leaders need to anticipate some pushback. This article provides guidance for health care leaders to effectively prepare for and address pushback on health equity, including using data and stories to harness curiosity as an antidote to fear and resistance.
Author: Mate K.
Publisher: Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Addressing Sampling Challenges: Case Examples from the Field
This tool presents examples from four states to help evaluators and other data collectors improve sample representativeness and survey response rates when gathering primary data.
Publisher: Prevention Solutions
Addressing the Social Determinants of Health in Substance Use Prevention
We have long known that substance use is driven by a complex set of factors and circumstances. Each of our decisions is influenced by our circumstances, consciously and unconsciously. That’s why substance use prevention should be comprehensive – addressing as many of the primary drivers of substance use as possible. Recently, there has been a push to encourage health care stakeholders to focus on how the context of our lives affects our health, notably in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Healthy People 2030 initiative. The factors that comprise this context are referred to collectively as the social determinants of health (SDOH). This brief will explain the SDOH, map the concept of SDOH onto more “traditional” prevention frameworks, and explain how substance use prevention can play a role in such large-scale changes.
Author: Carnevale Associates, LLC
Publisher: Carnevale Associates, LLC
Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA)
A-CRA is a developmentally appropriate, evidence-based treatment for youth and young adults with substance misuse or substance use disorders, which was developed by Chestnut Health Systems.
Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience: A Framework for Addressing and Preventing Community Trauma
This report offers a groundbreaking framework for understanding the relationship between community trauma and violence. Until now, there has been no basis for understanding how community trauma undermines both individual and community resilience, especially in communities highly impacted by violence, and what can be done about it. Based on interviews with practitioners in communities with high rates of violence, the report outlines specific strategies to address and prevent community trauma—and foster resilience—using techniques from those living in affected areas.
Author: Rachel Davis, Howard Pinderhughes, & Myesha Williams
Publisher: Prevention Institute
Advocating for Change
This toolkit supports planning for advocacy efforts and responding to opposition.
Publisher: Community Toolbox