Collected Resources
Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.
Teacher Connection and Support Predicted Less Substance Use and More Positive Coping Strategies During the COVID Pandemic
In this Fact Sheet, we look at the results of a study of alcohol and other drug use that Search Institute conducted during the course of the pandemic, from March 2021 to June 2022, including the period of the Delta variant surge in 2021. In particular, we looked at the impact that connection and support from teachers during the pandemic had on youth-reported substance use in the last 30 days, perceptions of parent and peer disapproval of substance use (shown to be linked to less use), students’ perceptions of risk from using various substances (shown to be linked to less use), and their use of positive coping strategies during the pandemic.
Author: The Search Institute
Publisher: The Search Institute
Telehealth Coverage Policies in the Time of COVID-19
This chart provides a quick reference summary of each state’s telehealth policy on Medicaid reimbursement, private payer reimbursement laws (both if a law exists and whether or not payment parity is required), and professional requirements around interstate compacts and consent based on information gathered between July and early September 2022.
The Cannabis/Marijuana Awareness & Prevention Toolkit
Theory-based and evidence-informed resources created by educators, parents, and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students’ use of cannabis/marijuana.
Author: Stanford Medicine
Publisher: Stanford Medicine
The Center for Advancing Alcohol Science to Practice
The Center for Advancing Alcohol Science to Practice is committed to preventing excessive alcohol use and underage drinking by creating more knowledgeable and connected communities across the nation. Their website contains resources on alcohol data tools and toolkits on how to assess and implement policy change related to underage drinking and excessive alcohol use by adults.
Author: The Center for Advancing Alcohol Science to Practice
Publisher: The Center for Advancing Alcohol Science to Practice
The Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity eLearning
The Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity provides behavioral health practitioners with vital information on supporting the population of people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, two-spirit, and other diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.
These eLearning training modules equip behavioral health providers with information and practice tips to improve services for LGBTQ+ people in their care.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention Strategies
This publication provides an overview of the environmental strategies approach to community problem solving and includes examples of efforts where environmental strategies aimed at preventing and reducing community problems related to alcohol and other drugs were implemented.
Publisher: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
The Data Dive: Episode 1 (Prioritization)
This handout provides an overview of one basic method for prioritizing needs assessment data, using the method described in Episode 1 of the PTTC's podcast, the Data Dive.
Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC
The Data Dive: Episode 1 (Prioritization)
This handout provides an overview of one basic method for prioritizing needs assessment data, using the method described in Episode 1 of the PTTC's podcast, the Data Dive.
Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)
The Groundwater Approach: Building a Practical Understanding of Structural Racism
In an effort to help leaders, organizers, and organizations stay focused on the structural and cultural roots of racial inequity, the Racial Equity Institute developed the “Groundwater” metaphor and accompanying analytical framework to explain the nature of racism as it currently exists in the United States.
Author: Bayard Love & Deena Hayes-Greene
Publisher: Racial Equity Institute, LLC
The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding
The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People assesses the state of science on the health status of LGBT populations, identifies research gaps and opportunities, and outlines a research agenda for the National Institute of Health. The report examines the health status of these populations in three life stages: childhood and adolescence, early/middle adulthood, and later adulthood. At each life stage, the committee studied mental health, physical health, risks and protective factors, health services, and contextual influences. To advance understanding of the health needs of all LGBT individuals, the report finds that researchers need more data about the demographics of these populations, improved methods for collecting and analyzing data, and an increased participation of sexual and gender minorities in research. The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People is a valuable resource for policymakers, federal agencies including the National Institute of Health (NIH), LGBT advocacy groups, clinicians, and service providers.
Publisher: NAP