Collected Resources

Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.


Summary Report: SAMHSA's Role in Possible Agency Actions Regarding Mental Health Substance Use Wellbeing in the Context of Climate Change and Health Equity

On August 31, 2022, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking information on SAMHSA's Role in Possible Agency Actions Regarding Mental Health and Substance Use Wellbeing in the Context of Climate Change and Health Equity. SAMHSA requested input on such issues as lessons learned from past climate-related emergencies, potential top priorities concerning climate change and health equity, research priorities, resources, and collaboration with governmental and non-governmental partners.

The deadline for comments was October 31, 2022. SAMHSA received 77 responses to the RFI ranging from 1-2 paragraphs to 20+ pages. Commenters included: medical and trade associations, academia, government officials (some making comments in their private capacity), private individuals (no evident affiliation), consulting firms, nonprofits/community organizations, and health care and behavioral health providers (active and retired). Based on SAMHSA’s analysis, this report provides a high-level summary of the key messages or themes from the RFI comments.

As noted in the RFI, it was for informational and planning purposes only and was not a solicitation for applications or an obligation on the part of the government to provide support for any ideas identified in response to it.

Key Ideas

  • Climate change is a social determinant of mental health

  • Behavioral health systems must become “climate-informed”

  • Intergenerational trauma will be one of the layered effects of climate-related environmental change

Author: SAMHSA

Publisher: SAMHSA


Sustainability: Fostering Long-term Change to Create Drug-free Communities

This primer lays out a framework and describes key considerations and action steps for coalitions to include in their journey to sustainability.


Publisher: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Sustaining Effective Prevention Efforts: A Planning Toolkit

Sustainability in prevention is about figuring out what’s working well and how communities can continue to experience the benefits of prevention efforts over time. This requires the participation, resolve, and dedication of diverse community members—and a lot of careful planning. This online toolkit is designed to help coalitions engage in a thoughtful sustainability planning process.

Author: Prevention Solutions Publisher:

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Sustaining the Work or Initiative

This toolkit supports planning for using different tactics to sustain your organization or community initiative.


Publisher: Community Toolbox

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
Fact sheet/Issue brief

Talk. They Hear You. 5 Conversation Goals: Talking with Teens About Alcohol and Other Drugs – Mini Brochure

A mini brochure for parents and caregivers on the five goals to keep in mind when having conversations about alcohol and substance use with their teens.


Publisher: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Talk. They Hear You. Media Toolkit

To assist in your outreach efforts, the “Talk. They Hear You.” ® communications team has developed this media toolkit for your use. This series of turnkey materials can be used with media outlets, stakeholders, and others to spread the word about the campaign, increase use of campaign information and resources, and encourage conversations with young people to prevent underage drinking and substance use.

Author: Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Publisher: Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Fact sheet/Issue brief

Talk. They Hear You. Talking with Your Teen About Marijuana: Keeping Your Kids Safe – Parent Brochure

A brochure for parents and caregivers about the risks associated with marijuana for teens and the importance of having conversations with their children to help them avoid substance use.

Author: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Publisher: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Communications Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
Fact sheet/Issue brief

Talk. They Hear You. Talking with Your Teen About Opioids: Keeping Your Kids Safe – Parent Brochure

A brochure for parents and caregivers about the risks associated with misusing prescription pain medications for teens and the importance of having conversations with their children to help them avoid taking medication that is not theirs.


Publisher: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
Fact sheet/Issue brief

Talk. They Hear You. Talking with Your Teen About Vaping: Keeping Your Kids Safe – Parent Brochure

A brochure for parents and caregivers about the risks associated with vaping for teens and the importance of having conversations with their children to help them avoid substance use.

Author: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Publisher: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


Talk. They Hear You.® Campaign Resources

SAMHSA’s national youth substance use prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers, educators, and community members get informed, be prepared, and take action to prevent underage drinking and other substance use.

Author: SAMHSA

Publisher: SAMHSA
