Collected Resources

Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.


Strategies for Community Change and Improvement: An Overview

This resource provides information on what it means to organize for community change and effective strategies, as well as an overview on starting and maintaining a coalition with accompanying tools and examples.


Publisher: The Community Tool Box

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Strategies for culturally safe research with Native American communities: an integrative review

A history of unethical research and deficit-based paradigms have contributed to profound mistrust of research among Native Americans, serving as an important call to action. Lack of cultural safety in research with Native Americans limits integration of cultural and contextual knowledge that is valuable for understanding challenges and making progress toward sustainable change. This paper aims identify strategies for promoting cultural safety, accountability, and sustainability in research with Native American communities.

Author: Teresa N. Brockie, Kyle Hill, Patricia M. Davidson, Ellie Decker, Lydia Koh Krienke, Katie E. Nelson, Natalie Nicholson, Alicia M. Werk, Deborah Wilson, & Deana Around Him

Publisher: Contemporary Nurse

Equity Data Collection and Evaluation BSAS Funded Programs

Strategies to Prevent Binge or Heavy Episodic Drinking among Adolescents and Young Adults

As part of a strategic planning process, practitioners need to select prevention strategies or interventions that address those risk and protective factors associated with their prioritized substance-related problem(s). This document summarizes evaluations of prevention strategies and interventions associated with binge or heavy episodic drinking, as identified in the prevention research literature. It also provides recommendations for using the prevention research to inform strategy selection.


Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Structural Racism Booklet: Research and Policy Analyses

The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives is pleased to provide this 40-page booklet of factsheets documenting evidence for structural racism across societal systems. Experts from a wide range of fields present data on the negative impacts of racist practices on the health and well-being of children and families, and recommend public policies to weed it out.

Author: National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives

Publisher: National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives


Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative (SAPC) Guidance Document

This guidance document is a resource for municipalities, individuals, organizations, community coalitions, and other groups who are implementing universal prevention efforts aimed at preventing and reducing underage drinking and other drug use in Massachusetts, including those whose efforts are funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS) and, more specifically, grantees of the Massachusetts Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative (SAPC) grant program.

Author: Center for Strategic Prevention Support Publisher: Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Equity Data Collection and Evaluation

Substance Misuse Prevention with LGBTQIA+ Youth: A Health Educator's Guide

A self-guided and reflective tool that is inclusive of evidence-based practices, risk and protective factors and coping skills specific to LGBTQ+ youth for educators to utilize when developing and evaluating their own curriculum and informational products, to ensure they are being intentional with their inclusion and support of LGBTQIA+ youth. 

Author: Alissa Cannon

Publisher: New England PTTC, SAMHSA

Equity Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
Organization offering training

Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of RI (SUMHLC) Trainings

SUMHLC offers a variety of live interactive webinar (virtual) training sessions, hybrid trainings and self-paced, and asynchronous online trainings.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery

Substance Use Prevention Resources for Use During a Pandemic

The Central East PTTC has created the Substance Use Prevention Resources for Use During a Pandemic guide to help prevention professionals navigate this challenging time.


Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Substance Use Prevention Resources for Use During a Pandemic

The Central East PTTC has created the Substance Use Prevention Resources for Use During a Pandemic guide to help prevention professionals navigate this challenging time.


Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)


Substance Use Workforce for Older Adults

This 2012 Report Brief by the Institute of Medicine assesses the needs of the aging population and the workforce that serves it, and presents its findings and recommendations.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery Population-Specific