Collected Resources

Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.

Fact sheet/Issue brief

Questionnaire Design: Asking Questions with a Purpose

How to construct, properly word the questions to prevent bias, format and pretest a questionnaire.


Publisher: University of Wisconsin Extension

Data Collection and Evaluation

Racial and Health Equity Tool for Ensuring Representation

Community engagement processes are ongoing relationships between stakeholders, community-based organizations, consumers, residents, local public health, and providers. This tool adapted from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s he Community Engagement Guidelines for Community Health Planning 2017 provides an overview of some of the key elements of community engagement such as power sharing, communication, accommodations, and transparency.

Author: Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Publisher: Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Equity

Racial Equity Data Road Map

The Racial Equity Data Road Map is a tool toward eliminating structural racism. It's a collection of guiding questions, tools, and resources to assist programs in taking concrete steps to better identify, understand, and act to address racial inequities.

Author: Office of Health Equity

Publisher: Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Data Collection and Evaluation
Organization offering training

Racial Equity Institute (REI)

REI is an alliance of trainers, organizers, and institutional leaders who have devoted themselves to the work of creating racially equitable organizations and systems. REI helps individuals and organizations develop tools to challenge patterns of power and grow equity.

Racial Equity

Racial Equity Toolkit

The Racial Equity Toolkit, developed by Dominique Samari and Paul Schmitz, is designed to support backbone staff and partners to operationalize racial equity throughout their collective impact work. Through a mix of personal reflection exercises, conversations, and activities, this toolkit will help teams explore how centering racial equity can advance their strategies, build understanding, strengthen relationships, and support in reaching their collective goals.

Author: Dominique Samari and Paul Schmitz

Publisher: Collective Impact Forum


Racial Equity Tools

Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.


Publisher: Racial Equity Tools

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)

Racial Justice and Power-Sharing: The Heart of Leading Systems Change

Chapter 2 of "Leading Systems Change in Public Health: A Field Guide for Practitioners" discusses:

  • How to develop a shared analysis and expand our mental models regarding the manner in which power imbalances, racism, and other forms of oppression define and structure the systems that drive health.
  • Attending to the work of “being” together, and not just “doing” together, as a way of deepening the relationships necessary to disrupt these patterns at the interpersonal, team, organizational, and community levels.
  • Establishing change processes that embody a model of sharing power and shifting who represents and is leading transformation.

Author: Kristina Y. Risley, Christina R. Welter, Grace Castillo, & Brian C. Castrucci

Publisher: Springer Publishing Company


Racism and Health

APHA works to improve access to care, bring about health equity, and support public health infrastructure. The Racism and Health section of their website includes a list of resources on how to use a healing and heart-centered approach to eliminate the false belief that any people are superior to others based on their skin color.


Publisher: American Public Health Association


Racism is a Public Health Crisis. Here's How to Respond.

Racial disparities in health and wellbeing are well documented. In 2003, the Institute of Medicine issued the landmark report Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare, which connected racism in mortgage lending, access to housing, employment, and criminal justice to racial health disparities. This report and the World Health Organization’s 2008 report on health equity led to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Social Determinants of Health Framework (SDOH), which recognized that racial health disparities are a result of inequalities in education, employment, healthcare, housing, and law enforcement.

Author: Ruqaiijah Yearby, Crystal N. Lewis, Keon L. Gilbert, & Kira Banks

Publisher: Data for Progress, St. Louis University, & The Justice Collaborative Institute


Recovery Homes Collaborative

The Recovery Homes Collaborative is a group of long- term Residential Substance Use Treatment programs whose purpose is to provide an association for the joint mutual effort of individuals and groups.

Advocacy Professional and Para-Professional Organizations