Collected Resources

Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.

Organization offering training

National Council for Mental Wellbeing

The National Council supports mental health and substance use providers through advocacy, consulting, and education to ensure equitable access to services, building capacity for care delivery, investing in the workforce, and promoting mental wellbeing as a core component of health and health care.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery Advocacy Professional and Para-Professional Organizations
Organization offering training

National Council for Mental Wellbeing Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions

Funded by SAMHSA, the Center of Excellence is committed to advancing the implementation of high-quality treatment for individuals with co-occurring physical and mental health conditions, including substance use disorders.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery

National Hispanic & Latino PTTC

he mission of the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center is to provide high-quality training and technical assistance to improve the capacity of the workforce serving Hispanic and Latino communities in behavioral health prevention, treatment, and recovery. We disseminate and support the implementation of evidence-based and promising practices to enhance service delivery, promote the growth of a diverse, culturally competent workforce, and bridge access to quality behavioral health services. We are committed to increasing health equity and access to effective culturally and linguistically grounded approaches.

Author: National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA)

Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC)


National Library of Medicine

NIH's National Library of Medicine is a searchable database of constantly-updated publications and resources related to a wide range of healthcare topics. Find resources for health professionals, students, researchers, trainers, and the general public.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery

National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health


The National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED) is a network of community-based organizations focused on the mental health and substance use issues of diverse racial and ethnic communities.  The NNED supports information sharing, training, and technical assistance towards the goal of promoting behavioral health equity.


National Survey of Compensation Among Peer Support Specialists

This 2016 study from the College for Behavioral Health Leadership examines wages and salaries for the peer specialist workforce with a specific focus on pay rate differences between the types of organizations in which they work, regional differences in compensation, and any prevailing inequities.

Prevention Treatment Recovery

Necessary Conversations: Understanding Racism as a Barrier to Achieving Health Equity

Authentic conversations about racial inequities are essential, difficult, and urgent. There are many forces that prevent people from talking about racism. Without honest reflections on race and the history of this nation, conversation and narratives often generate unproductive fear, shame, guilt, avoidance, and denial. We need to move past that to a place of healing and action. A book by RWJF’s chief science officer, Dr. Alonzo Plough, shows us how.  

Author: Dr. Alonzo L. Plough

Publisher: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Organization offering training

Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 7 Repository

This searchable repository contains articles, webinars, presentations, posters, reports and other works on a wide range of topics, including substance use, addiction, language, grief, overdose, families, recovery, drug courts, and more.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery Population-Specific Opioids
On-demand training

Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) SUD Webinar 1 - Misperceptions and the Misused Language of Addiction: Words Matter

This 2017 webinar was the first in the Substance Use Disorder Webinar Series. Use the search tool on the webinar landing page to find more recent resources on a range of topics.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery
On-demand training

Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) SUD Webinar 2 - Connecting Resources to a Community in Need: Worcester Police Addiction Recovery (WPAR) Program

This 2017 webinar was the second in the Substance Use Disorder Webinar Series. Use the search tool on the webinar landing page to find more recent resources on a range of topics.


Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Treatment Recovery