Collected Resources
Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.
Leadership and Management
Information about the core functions of leadership, management, and group facilitation.
Publisher: Community Toolbox
The purpose of Lead Local: Community-Driven Change and the Power of Collective Action, a project supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), was to understand how community power catalyzes, creates, and sustains conditions for healthy communities.
To explore this question, RWJF brought together a set of partners: Caring Across Generations, Change Elemental, Human Impact Partners and Right to the City Alliance, Johns Hopkins University SNF Agora Institute, USC Equity Research Institute (formerly USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity), and Vanderbilt University. Turning to those closest to the work, Lead Local partners expanded the project to incorporate the knowledge and expertise of 40 local organizations working in 16 places across the United States.
The report is about the story of community power in 16 places. It is the culmination of a 24-month process to understand how community power catalyzes, creates, and sustains conditions for healthy communities through the lens of local organizations who are building community power to dismantle systems that perpetuate health inequity and to create alternative policy and institutional vehicles that can promote healthy communities.
Author: USC Equity Research Institute Project Team
Publisher: USC Dornsife Equity Research Institute
Local, State, and National Data Sources
This resource provides an annotated list of data sources that provide information on substance misuse and related behavioral health problems.
Publisher: Prevention Solutions
Locating Data on Risk Factors for Opioid Overdose
Practitioners working on opioid overdose prevention efforts can use this tool to: learn more about behaviors they know or suspect are contributing to opioid overdose in their communities, in order to better target their prevention efforts; identify new sources of data to supplement those with which they are already familiar; identify proxy measures (that is, data alternatives) for factors of interest (if, for example, specific types of data are not available at the local level); identify potential prevention partners (for example, local hospitals and emergency medical services) who regularly collect data on a range of relevant factors.
Publisher: Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)
Logic Model Development Guide
Nonprofits today are being pressed to demonstrate the effectiveness of their program activities by initiating and completing outcome-oriented evaluation of projects. This guide was developed to provide practical assistance to nonprofits engaged in this process. In the pages of this guide, we hope to give staff of nonprofits and community members alike sufficient orientation to the underlying principles of "logic modeling" to use this tool to enhance their program planning, implementation, and dissemination activities.
Author: W.K Kellogg Foundation
Publisher: W.K Kellogg Foundation
MA COVID-19 PPE Request Process Chart
Chart illustrating the PPE request process in MA.
MA Department of Public Health Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Initiative
CLAS standards offer a framework to address the structural, clinical, and organizational barriers that contribute to health disparities. The Initiative develops and implements national CLAS Standards within DPH programs and agencies who receive direct service grants from DPH.
MA DPH Accessible Print Materials Deck
Explore Massachusetts DPH's comprehensive Print Materials Accessibility Guide, designed to empower individuals and businesses with insights and resources to foster inclusivity and accommodate diverse needs. Discover practical tips and best practices to ensure equitable access on printed documents and materials.
Author: Institute for Human Centered Design for the Massachusetts Department of Publich Health Publisher: Massachusetts Department of Public Health
MA Suicide Prevention Program
We seek to raise awareness of suicide as a public health problem. The Program provides support to community agencies, education and training for professionals and caregivers, and funds programs working with youth, veterans and older adults. We use data to identify populations and geographic areas of the state that need assistance. We also support and encourage communities to collaborate across disciplines to prevent suicide and suicide attempts across the lifespan.
Maine Behavioral Health Workforce Development Collaborative Trainings
MBHWDC's goal is to help professionals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge to better serve the people of Maine. Quality educational programs are available in-person, and online as self-paced and real-time formats.