September is Recovery Month... Many events scheduled!

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September 12: Road to Wellness 5k Walk/Run - Hosted by the Dimock Center, HoodFit and the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.). The event will kick-off at The Dimock Center and continue through the Roxbury community, and is anticipated to engage over 1,000 participants from over 200 surrounding communities.
September 13: 1st Annual One Recovery Boston “One Heart, One Recovery” event, UMass BostonOne Recovery Boston harnesses the power of yoga and recovery in communities to raise consciousness and create funds for yoga and recovery research, treatment scholarships for 16-26 year olds and their families, as well as support for evidence-based prevention programs and research.
September 15: Somerville Overcoming Addiction Candelight Vigil. 7pm. Arrive before the start of the program (6:15 to 7) to connect with friends and family, visit resource tables, and get trained on overdose prevention and Narcan. 
September 17: Join Michael Botticelli, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (and former BSAS Director) from 7:00-8:00PM ET for an online event at the White House in celebration of Recovery Month.

September 18: PAACA New Bedford Recovery Day; 11AM - 2PM; 360 Coggeshall Street, New Bedford—Food– Resources– Entertainment.

September 21: Join MOAR for its 25th Recovery Month March and Celebration from Boston City Hall Plaza to the Massachusetts State House! 9:00AM - 3:30PM

Click here for a list of other events taking place around MA this month.