Careers of Substance collects resources from trusted organizations in order to support the substance use workforce in a variety of areas. If you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us.

News Feed

Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Messenger

ATTC Messenger is a monthly e-publication on best practices, Addiction Science Made Easy, national professional development events & funding opportunities, and state-of-the-art online resources.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Recovery Treatment
News Feed

Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)/NIATx Service Improvement Blog

The federal Addiction Technology Transfer Center network, and NIATx (formerly Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment) offer tools for service improvement.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Recovery Treatment
News Feed

Alcohol, Other Drugs and Health: Current Evidence

A summary of the latest clinically relevant research on alcohol, illicit drugs, and health. A project of Boston Medical Center, with BU Schools of Medicine and Public Health.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Recovery Treatment
News Feed

Brief Addiction Science Information Source (BASIS)

Weekly, the Cambridge Health Alliance offers the BASIS which summarizes a current addiction science article in plain language, with commentary written by recovering people, clinicians, researchers, policy makers, and others.

Prevention Recovery Treatment
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Careers of Substance Newsletter

Careers of Substance has a newsletter! It comes out a few times a year, highlighting updates from the field, and site features.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Recovery Treatment
News Feed

Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment - Email Alerts sign-up

Formerly known as Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, the Journal of Substance Use & Addiction Treatment (JSAT) features original research; systematic reviews and meta-analyses; and commentaries and symposia/conference proceedings that advance the care of substance use disorders. Create a free account to receive email alerts.

Recovery Treatment
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Partnership to End Addiction - Latest News from Our Field

Partnership to End Addiction curates a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Advocacy Population-Specific Prevention Recovery Treatment
News Feed

SAMHSA Newsroom

The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers press announcements,  featured grants, statements, a blog, and reports.

Advocacy Prevention Recovery Treatment
News Feed

SAMHSA RSS Feeds and Email Updates Subscriptions

Updates on federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration are available through "Really Simple Syndication" (RSS) feeds and a subscription for email updates. Topics include: Grants, Grants Training Materials, and SAMHSA's blog.  Using an RSS reader, you can view data feeds from various websites including headlines, summaries, links to full stories, and campaign & program information.

Addictions Workforce Development Prevention Recovery Treatment