MA Loan Repayment Program is live - Applications due 1/19/24!

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The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) Health Care Workforce Center is pleased to announce the next round of applications for the Massachusetts Loan Repayment Program for Health Professionals (MLRP), a loan repayment program managed by the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (MLCHC). MLRP is for health care professionals who commit to working full time or part time for two years in an eligible organization (up to $25,000 per year for two years). This program is funded through a combination of state and federal funds. 

Click here for the application, program details, as well as information on how to apply. 


Please pay close attention to eligibility guidelines before applying for this program as only eligible applicants will be considered for funding.  


Applications need to be postmarked no later than Friday, January 19, 2024 and and be mailed directly to the address listed below:


ATTN: MLRP Workforce Program

Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, Inc.

40 Court Street, 10th Floor

Boston, MA 02108


Note: Only complete and eligible applications, submitted by mail will be reviewed. No other forms of submission will be accepted.