Job Postings Now Available here, on Careers of Substance!
The Careers of Substance website now has a Job Board specifically for Substance Use and Addictions-related positions in Massachusetts (and surrounding states).
There are three ways to get to the Board:
1. At the top of your screen, click the "Jobs" tab in the blue bar
2. A little lower down, hover over “Advance Your Career” and choose “Job Postings”
3. Choose "search job postings" in the white "I want to..." card on the home page
Once you get to the page, you will see all of the jobs that have been posted so far, with search criteria to help you find particular jobs.
If you are interested in posting a position, click the “Submit here” link in the right hand column of the Job Postings page. All postings will expire after 30 days, though submitters will get an email with an option to renew the posting for another 30 days.
Let us know if candidates found your positions, or if you as a job seeker found a job, by using this Job Board!
Happy searching!!