BSAS Service system Exit Questionnaire Results

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In 2022, BSAS asked providers if they thought a system-wide, anonymous exit questionnaire would be helpful. The purpose was to gather information about why people were leaving their jobs and where they were going next.  Providers approved of the idea, so BSAS launched the questionnaire in May of 2023. 

Despite outreach efforts we had a rather low response rate, and decided to close the questionnaire in October of 2024. 

Although the questionnaire only gathered information from 76 respondents in that time period, the results may be helpful to providers seeking to understand some of the things that make people leave their programs (and some of the things that might make them more likely to stay). See the results here.

Major takeaways from the project:

In general, respondents felt good about working in this field. They liked working with their coworkers and the people they served. However, despite these positives, 44% reported they plan to leave the field altogether.
35% of respondents left their jobs without having another job lined up.
Some of the most frequent reasons people gave for leaving their jobs were:
  • Burnout
  • Dissatisfaction with the way the organization is managed
  • Dissatisfaction with the workplace environment or culture
In terms of respondents' perception of employment experience:
  • 59% were either neutral or did not feel they had all the information they needed to start their job
  • 55% were either neutral or did not feel they received the supervision they needed
  • 53% were either neutral or did not feel they were provided training by their employer that helped them do a good job in their role
  • 58% were either neutral or did not feel they were supported in their role
  • 58% were either neutral or did not feel they had enough time to get their work done
  • 71% were either neutral or did not feel they were paid enough for their work
  • 75% were either neutral or said they would not recommend a job at their organization to a friend

Review the full Exit Questionnaire Results