National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program

The Health Resources and Services Administration is accepting applications for the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program for the application cycle opening later this year. Licensed primary care providers in eligible disciplines can receive loan repayment assistance for their qualifying educational debt through the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program.

For primary care providers assigned to a primary care Health Professional Shortage Area, which includes maternity care health professionals assigned to a Maternity Care Target Area, the initial contract can fund up to $75,000 of loan repayment in exchange for two years of service at a National Health Service Corps-approved site.

For behavioral and oral health care providers assigned to a mental or dental Health Professional Shortage Area, respectively, the initial contract can fund up to $50,000 of loan repayment in exchange for two years of service at a National Health Service Corps-approved site.

After the initial contract, participants may be eligible for continuation contracts that provide up to $20,000 in loan repayment in exchange for each additional year of service. For details on Health Professional Shortage Areas, see the Workforce Shortage Areas page on the HRSA Health Workforce website.