VIRTUAL: Can They Really Change? Can We?

Event description
Sponsored by BSAS

Training Description: This workshop will examine the behaviors and beliefs of those who cause harm in intimate relationships and deepen our understanding of perpetration as a behavior within the frameworks of white supremacy and other forms of superiority and domination.

Through an interactive format, JAC Patrissi and Ed Schreiber we examine what works with people seeking recovery who use abuse tactics and invite us to orient our work with people who cause harm and with one another in a way that engages compassion without collusion. Join us in strengthening our skills at building transformative relationships and recovery communities. This curriculum helps us examine our own power relationships within our personal, professional and community roles. They bring an added lens to the work of recovery that can help transform our working and personal relationships.

The interactive training curriculum addresses the following learning-based objectives in the approach of Dialogue Education and Popular Education. As such, it is appropriate for all levels of experience, as the applications will be personalized to your unique roles. New recovery coaches and seasoned administrators will benefit from engaging in this framework.




Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and practice recognizing abusive manipulations, patterns, and values in an interpersonal and cultural context;
  • Make critical distinctions among healthy relationship conflict, intimate partner violence and lenses for understanding intimate partner violence;
  • Clarified their understanding of the relationship between substance use, mental health, trauma and the perpetration of intimate partner violence;
  • Identify how to engage abusive partners in the treatment setting and one another without further enabling abusive behavior;
  • Describe preferred strategies for maintaining appropriate and effective boundaries and limit-setting with abusive clients and one another;
  • Identify how structural inequalities influence our views and abusive partners’ views and experience of mandated substance use treatment and/or intervention for perpetrating domestic abuse;
  • Practice acknowledging our own and clients’ experience of inequalities while stressing their accountability;
  • Define their own social location, being mindful of how it impacts our effectiveness in working with their clients;
  • Anticipate the possible impact of abuse on us and on survivors’ that working with the abusive partner could trigger;
  • Assess our understanding of survivors in a way that affirms survivors’ experiences;
  • Identify our own and abusive partners’ minimization strategies related to the impact of abusive behaviors and values on others;
  • Distinguish between the change process for people who use violence and the healing process for their partners; analyze the distinctions between hetero male violence and hetero women’s use of force in intimate partnerships.
  • Compared the areas of tension and strengthening in the frameworks used in IPV and SUD fields.
JAC Patrissi and Edward Schreiber
Event date
Attendance mode
Gina Colon
Training Coordinator
AdCare Educational Institute, Inc.