9:30am – Check-in
10am – Workshop Begins
This full-day workshop will prepare new trainers to deliver our two-hour overdose rescue training to members of their staff and communities. Participants will review the overdose rescue training curriculum, explore principles of adult learning theory, and practice skills to engage their trainees in interactive learning.
Prerequisites: Participants in the Training of Trainers (ToT) must have completed BeHERE’s Opioid Overdose Rescue Training or equivalent training provided by another organization. Check our training calendar for offerings.
Continuing education units (CEUs) will be offered in partnership with AdCare Educational Institute.
For questions about this training, please contact Michael Leonard at mleonard@hria.org.
For questions about CEUs, please contact Emelie Trayah at emelie@adcare-educational.org.
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers 16 Brooks Street Worcester, MA 01606 United States