Intimate Partner Violence: Navigating Compassionate and Accountable Conversations

Event description
Sponsored by BSAS

Practice a racially just approach to accountability when working with people in recovery who use the tools of abuse or dominance. This training is for those working in recovery settings with people who use habits of dominance and control in their intimate partnerships. If you work with survivors or people who you think may be bullying their partners or others, this training offers practical, effective skills for interrupting and transforming those patterns.

This training will draw out the shared wisdom, experience, and insight from the participants. Everyone is considered a teacher, and everyone’s skills will be valued in this learning gathering. We ask that you commit to participating in all three sessions and confirm that you have the availability to participate before you RSVP. Because this is an interactive practice focused training, please be prepared to have your cameras on.


The training series will be structured to cover the following points each day:

  • Day One explores the frameworks we use for understanding uses of force in intimate partnerships and how these are connected to abusive values, socialization, unresolved trauma and the continuum of substance use. We will begin skills practice.
  • Day Two we examine how we assess risk, the roles we take on in these interventions, and how those relate to our race, ethnicity, gender and other aspects of identity. We examine the Process of Change, Use of Force by gender, and begin to explore the 12 strategies that we practice in-depth in our last day.
  • Day Three we engage with 9 interrupters15 skills, and 12 strategies and Accountable Apologies. There will be time to practice these skills.
JAC Patrissi, Regi Wingo, Tanisha Arena
Event date
Attendance mode

United States

E Bjorkman
Trainer, Admin Support, Social Media
Growing A New Heart