Coaching Mental Wellness

Event description
Sponsored by BSAS

As the implementation of Recovery Coaching continues to grow within the Medical and Behavioral Health fields, it is pertinent that the Recovery Coach becomes better informed regarding individuals experiencing Mental Health challenges in addition to Substance Use Disorders. This training will provide a basis in order to prepare Recovery Coaches better support the individuals they encounter.

By the end of this training, participants will:

• Have deepened their knowledge and acquired new skills to further professionalize their role as peer recovery workers.

• Identify how they contribute to and build up a Wellness Recovery Oriented System of Care (WROSC).

• Understand and be able to incorporate five essential Integrated Recovery Attitudes (IRAS): Mutuality, Intersectionality, Trauma Informed Care and Practices, Mindfulness, and Cultural Humility.

• Have discussed the term “Historical Trauma” and its impact on two communities of people in the United States: Native Americans, and Black Americans.

• Have practiced mindfulness techniques such as breathing and meditation.

• Have analyzed and grasped the importance of the concept “Institutional, Systemic Involvements” and be better able to advocate for the people they serve involved in these institutional systems.

• Have been introduced to and evaluated the overall structure and key concepts of two Wellness/Recovery programs for individuals with mental health and/or substance use challenges: WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) and WHAM (Whole Health Action Management).

• Understand and have discussed why individual and group supervision is critically necessary for peer recovery workers.

• Have incorporated and will be able to evaluate with their colleagues and supervisor how Integrated Recovery Attitudes shape and drive peer recovery practice.

• Have been introduced to the role of the Forensic Peer Specialist and the Sequential Intercept Model that they use with their recoverees to navigate the Criminal Justice System.

• Have examined three “Institutional, Systemic Involvements” that peer recovery workers need to know how to navigate to deliver positive outcomes for their recoverees: the Criminal Justice System, The Department of Child and Family Services, and the elementary and secondary Education System.

This class is partially funded by a grant from RIZE Massachusetts Foundation, a foundation committed to ending the opioid epidemic and reducing its devastating impact on people, families, and communities

12 CEs

***VIRTUAL training, Computer and Internet required.

* MBSACC approved for CARC recertification 

* NAADAC approved

Bob Rousseau, Vivien Nunez
Event date
Attendance mode

United States

Paul Alves