Case Manager/Care Coordinator Education Opportunities

  • Accredited Colleges, Universities and post secondary educational institutions
  • Adcare Educational Institute
  • New England Institute of Addiction Studies
  • DPH Licensed/Approved Substance Abuse Treatment Agencies
  • DPH Approved/Funded Substance Abuse Educational Organizations
  • Providers approved by MA Boards of Registration in Social Work, Nursing, Medicine, Mental Health Professionals, and Psychology
  • Mass Board of Substance Abuse Counselor Certification
  • American Academy of Healthcare Providers in the Addictive Disorders
  • National Board for Certified Counselors
  • National Association of Alcohol and Drug Counselors
  • International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium
  • Employee Assistance Certification Commission

Who can bill MassHealth for providing tobacco cessation counseling?

Community health centers, physicians and acute outpatient hospital departments can bill MassHealth for providing tobacco cessation counseling services to covered members.

“Physicians” are any MassHealth-enrolled MDs, such as primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and specialty physicians.

Clinical providers eligible to provide the counseling service are physicians, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, registered nurses, physicians’ assistants, and qualified tobacco cessation counselors. All non-physician providers must be under the supervision of a physician, except independent nurse practitioners and independent nurse midwives providing the tobacco cessation counseling services directly.

Can substance abuse and mental health facilities participate in this new benefit?

Eligible MassHealth members may access tobacco cessation medications by having their primary care provider or other qualified MassHealth physician write a prescription.

Substance abuse facilities and mental health clinics may not obtain payment from MassHealth for tobacco cessation counseling services at this time. Members may receive counseling from their primary care clinician or a qualified member of the clinical team in their community health center, physician’s office, or outpatient hospital department.

For more information from MassHealth about the overall tobacco cessation benefit, call MassHealth Customer Service at 1-800-841-2900 or e-mail

NOTE: The State will accept online college coursework for licensure requirements; the Massachusetts Board of Substance Abuse Counselor Certification does not accept online coursework for initial certification, although it is accepted for certification renewal.

Trainings can count toward licensure. See Trainings & Events to search for relevant opportunities.